underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

Navigations are at the top.
bold italic underline link

Friday, 29 May 2009

Today suks~
First I dound out my results sucks~
and my classmate tried all their best to cheer me up~
even Dad manage a few words of comfort~
Y is it tat ***** has to critisized me like Im worthless!??~
I found out today that reading a whole stacks of books=pretending to study~
Its nt MY fault tat 哥和姐were borned a genius while Im born stupid!~
then she started the stupid lecture of "even a dog can wag its tail wen i shout at it,U ain even worth a dog" lecture(seriously! tats wat she said!)~
I wanted to cry~
Yes! Damien Yeo a boy wanted to cry!~
She scolded me for failing my chi but she somehow 'missed' my Eng and Lit A1s~
Even Mr Ng could see I was trying~
Y can't she jus say a single praise to me??????!!!~
n then she started the"People study not gd aso gt money take u leh?" lecture~
I was like For God Sake la! my friend in NT she got B3 for ONE subject already vry gd of course sch give her money la(and its a God-forsaken sch btw lol)~
I...Im jus pissed off la~
She can say all she wants but i dun give a damn~
My reason of life is simple~
U treat me respect I give u twice the respect~
U show me u care I show u i can do it~
tats life for me~
Nt happy? too bad, live with it~
N tanks evryone for showing me support i really appreciate it~
I remember evry single words of comfort tanks alot~
May God bless u : )~
People I must tank
Zheng Min
Wan Qi
Qi Xing
Ser Min
and many more
Thank You very much~

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

I read this love story which was damn corky,watever the ending,the male would win!
here goes:~
A man named Sam falled in love with a gal~
but the gal~
Loves another man~
She was already engaged with that man~
He was the son~
of a billionaire(Adson)~
while Sam was a nobody~
Once the gal(Snow) was meeting Adson~
at the park~
in the night~
as she wait~
she was suddenly attacked from the back~
Its was a robber!~
At tat moment~
Adson came~
but upon seeing the robber~
ran away~
At this time~
Snow felt hopeless~
Sam who followed her~
rushed out to save her~
He dashed towards the robber~
the robber stabbed him in the stomach~
and ran off~
Snow screamed~
and called the ambulance~
When tey reached there~
Sam finally woke up~
Snow:Im sorry! I should have chose u! Adson was a jerk
Sam: its ok,but can u do me a favor?~
Snow:Anything anything!~
Sam:u have two choices~
1.be my girlfriend
2.I be ur boyfriend(Told u it was corky!!!!!)
Sam grinned~
Snow smiled back~
And tat was the end of another story~
n the last time i heard~
Tey were both still together..~

The end

rate it!

nt corky its romantic!

Its ok but nt my kind of love story~

I agree!!! Its CORKY!!!!!!!~
(rate on tagboard)

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Its been 5 months since~
I entered Sec Sch~
I could still remember on sch posting day~
I was still sleeping~
I woke up at....(can't remember)~
Saw my Bro(Oldest) and Sister grinning at me~
He(Bro) said:"Yo XinMinian!"*Salute*~
Me:huh?(jus woke up)~
Me:wats a Shinminian?(Bro spoke with the accent, I reckon its on purpose)~
Bro:Ur sch la Baka!~
Me:ohhh....*slowly realising things and a smile started coming up*~
Sis: Congrats!~
And i went to wash up~
*To NLPS!*
N Nick Tong gave me a wierd IQ ques~
Y schs with name of a gender have students of the opposite gender?~
example:St Nick(boy's name girls sch)
Marie Stella(Girls name Boy's sch)
I looked at him n jus stone~
Ask around n found up Syahril Xin Ying n some others same sch as me!:)~
and aft evrything and a couple oh months~
I stepped into Ximin gates! :)~
Tat was 5 months ago~
Now Im quite familiar with Sec life~
N here r some of the subjects tat I judge myself~

Satisified SUCKS! Improving
----------- ------------ -----------------
Bio Geo Chinese:)
Physics Chem
English Maths

Some people I wanna tank for helping me:
Lin Zhen(My chinese 老师)
Sherlyn (dunno wat she help me with actually)
Joel(make my life in Bio fun)
Qi Xing( whom i learn some life lessons frm[I feel wierd writing tis])
ZM She amuse me for the past 5 months sitting beside her is a joy! :D
*** ****(She provides silent support,looking at her makes life jus so worth it

Tats all

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Here r more! (Geraldine Gina and Gladys the 3 Gs)

Victoria Lau(right)->

Ryan Lim->

Stanley(second frm left)->

Chung Chi->

Earnest Yam ->

Clerrisa Yong ->

Hunting for more!:)

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Gina(right) and Hwee Chi (Left)

Gladys(Left) Geraldine(Right)
Gladys(Left)Hwee Chi(Right)

Heres a few pcitures of my friends in Pri Sch!
ps.I'll upload the boys soon

Monday, 4 May 2009
Im BACK!!!

His name is Qi Xing~
n hes a boy~
But he's mental!~
He tickles the hell out of me!~
I get the shivers now~
When i see a guy who looks like him!=.=~

Yahoo! Im bac!~
Im was revising for my common test~
I replied ur tags~
but no time to blog~
but 2day~
with checking EMB~
as excuse~
I managed to blog!~

Today was our Math common test~
I didnt finish!!!~
ahya ~
dun care la~
nw revising for Geo~
hope can pass~
hehe ~~~
anybody wanna watch Harry Potter n HBP???~
Im watching with friends(XMS)~

if interested tag my board(NLanders r welcome)
ok gtg~

See Ya
