underneath the stars
I'll wait for you darling.

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Saturday, 24 October 2009
im down n out

hi there~
im extremely EXTREMELY down 2day~
nobody except miah knows y~
course he was the only one there wen the thing happened~
the thing tat destroyed my moods~
in fact it started 2 days ago~
n tat cause alot of emoing liao~
but at least miah tried to cheer me up~
n oh ya vivian nos about it too~
n she gave me a long theory lesson on hw to solve the prob=.=~
ytd was open house~
i spent my breath saying the same intro over n over again=.=~
n we did a short skit:D~
its awesome~
i was officially a white blood cell n a refree!:D~
ya tat was ytd n we slacked for the last 1 or 2 hours of our shift~
course the hall was practically empty then=.=~
last yr we heard open house had about 1000 parents~
tis yr only 200=.=~
tats 800 difference!!!~
i didnt even come frm xms major open house las yr=.=~
in fact i didnt even heard of it~
until i was brousing the book of sec sch~
then i saw xms name for the first time~
i wanted to go anderson~
im so glad i didnt~
xms is much better~
my friends aso regretted it~
nt my pri sch friends la~
my churchmates~
well anyway tats about all lol~
till nex time:D~

Thursday, 22 October 2009
tis is wat tis is

Hi all!:D~
im back~
haiz 2day marking day~
no need go sch~
tmr aso~
but i going bac~
going help out to make booth for open house on Sat~
n on Sat~
i aso coming bac~
need impress the pri 6 parents~
but should be fun la~
my pri sch one was~
nw so bored=.=~
cant wait for tmr~
at least can talk to the du-rama people:D~
n get out~
i was so tired today~
dun ask y~
but i jus felt like sleeping evrytime i had the chance~
nt cause i slept late~
but i jus cant stay awake!!!~
gosh wonder wats with me~
ahya anyway~
look forward to seeing u guys at sch n church~
n those helping out for open house~
gd luck n have fun!:D~


cool right!??!?
ALl the logo of WWE brands~
n the latest PPV HELL IN A CELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
I managed to watch it~
Punk's reign as champ finally over~
DX crushed Legacy~
but tat f***er jericho won~
he sucks~
but still nice~
ok la till nex time:D

Sunday, 18 October 2009
My research on Gandalyon

Im bored to tears=.=~
ironic right????~
b/4 exams~
its complains aft complains about so many things to do~
n nw exams over~
i complaining about too much free time=.=~
Anyway my friends was talking about something called...Gandalyon~
my first impression tat it was some french or something~
so i went to the library~
i went web~
i went to tis random book store~
n hoho surprisingly there it was!~
Gandolyon,Myth or real?~
well it sounded corny~
n wen i read it it sounds cornier~(wierd EL=.=)~
means "land of the chosen ones"~
wierd? read on!~
apparently it was a man-created fantasy land(or is it?)~
course during the World War 2~
there were so much killing and unrest~
people began imagining of a land of no war~
where evrything was perfect~
this thinking continued aft the war~
n spreaded frm original Europe to Middle East~
but little influence on Asia~
however tis fantasy had become so distorted~
it became a cult~
a man named Arthur Kasaphee( read as Cast-sah peer)~
founded it~
he called himself The Chosen Messenger~
n was here on earth to spread the Prophet~
and his version of going to tis suppossed paradise~
was to kill those who opposed them~
they called themselves the Chosen Ones=.=~
however Kasaphee was killed in Denmark~
when he went there to spread the faith~
local police shot him dead~
after the fall of their leader~
it was said that the cult was disbanded~
however many years down the road(remember the cult was in the 50s!)~
many survivors of natural disasters,wars reported seeing a bright light n a man asking them to step forward saying they have reach Gandalyon~
n when the police showed them a picture of Kasaphee~
n they confirmed it ws him~
aft tat there was uproar~
fallen followers rose again~
n the cult relived~
n continued their killing~
however in the 70s,the key members were captured~
n finally the cult ws disband completely~
so? do u tink Gandalyon is real?~
its up 2 u 2 decide~
N on tat note~

Friday, 16 October 2009

World War 2 changed many lives~
the once quiet lives were suddenly disrupted~
by war,by gunfire,by killing~
Adolf Hitler started the war to let the world~
recognise Germany's superiority and the former glory it once~
received as a great empire in the West~
Austria,France and others fall to the successful Germans~
Jews labeled "dirty" were slaughtered like pigs~
tens of thousands~
As the day passes,the death toll pick its way up~
joined the Axis~
More Jews were slained~
Japan's invasion on the Pacific was fast~
Malaysia,Singapore,HongKong,Sumatra,BeiJing China~
all fell under the high morale of the Japanese~
The Land Of The Rising Sun showed the world and all those who despise it~
what power it has hidden within~
America reacted by cutting off the supply of oil~
However Japan first mistake was~
to NOT destory Pearl Harbour when it first attack it~
(contrasting to famous belief of angering the Americans by bombing PH)~
the second assault Japan made on PH saw defeat~
and the bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki~
Japan surrendered on September the 2nd,1945~
Before that~
Germany surrendered 7 days after Grand Commander Adolf Hitler commited suicide~
Axis collapse after years of trying to dominate the world~
the victorious Allies celebrated for the first time after so many dark days~
USA and the Soviet Union were known to be the world's superpowers~
to many,it was hard to believe~
but the truth sank it like a puppy receiving a juicy bone~
the war has ended~

Thursday, 15 October 2009
i miss all!

Im back!!~
exams r finally over!!!!!!!!!!!!~
today aft sch~
had a DM(duel masters) marathon!!!~
5hr straight!!!!~
no stop!!!~
ok la have la 4 lunch~
freedom rocks!~
can lay my hands on those cards agaiN!!~~
today's my lucky day hahaaha~
i zhong 2 foil!~
both super rare~
then miah got the same card but his nt foil haha!~
n wen we dueled~
he could nvr get the cards he wanted~
n i found out something~
wen i focus~
Lady luck would be smiling on me~
i looked at miah~
n try to imagine as my worst enemy~
n i dueled silently~
no shouts or laughter~
i trashed him 5-0 shields!~
he summon i destroy~
he destroy i revive haha!~
who rocks!?!?~
SHOUT MY NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
haha ok la tats about all~
ok till....tis sat!:D~
